Asylum seekers are detained here at the Elizabeth Detention Center (EDC), a converted former warehouse run by Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). CCA is a private sector provider of detention and corrections services to federal, state and local governments. Notice the blockaded windows.
Groups of visitors pose for shots outside the EDC after Saturday visits. Sojourner Volunteers make the trip every Saturday and every other Tuesday, totaling six visits a month.
Sojourner Visitors load up the van with boxes of books to drop off of at the Hudson County Correctional Center's library. It was a historic visit for Sojourners, as HCCC is the newest location for the group to visit detained immigrants.
Dr. Allen Keller, founder and director of the Bellevue/NYU Program for Survivors of Torture, talks with WYNC's Bob Hennelly after a Homeland Security Advisory Council Meeting early February, 2010 as Sojourner Chair and founding member Carol Fouke-Mpoyo listens.
A recent volunteer waits patiently for the remainder of the group to exit the building after visiting. The Elizabeth Detention Center is located in a near-abandoned warehouse district outside of the Newark Airport in New Jersey.
The group after a Saturday visit sharing stories from the morning as we return to the van.
May 2009 we held an Art Auction at a local hot spot to raise money for Sojourners and spread awareness of the work we do.